On Sale

59 items

The path of love

These prints on canvas are designed especially for you who wish for an excellent quality reproduc...

These prints on canvas are designed especially for you who wish for an excellent quality reproduction of the original paintings by Ines Honfi.• Ines transforms a simple print on canvas into a unique creation bringing each canvas to shine and to be unique on its own. • Each print carries a singular touch and distinct imprint by Ines.• Gold, silver or cover leaf adding• with dedication, Ines recreates the original textures and colors with acrylic paint • Popular in 2 sizes 60x60 cm and 80x80cm ...

1.450,00 kr 2.450,00 kr

Spring in love II

These prints on canvas are designed especially for you who wish for an excellent quality reproduc...

These prints on canvas are designed especially for you who wish for an excellent quality reproduction of the original paintings by Ines Honfi.• Ines transforms a simple print on canvas into a unique creation bringing each canvas to shine and to be unique on its own. • Each print carries a singular touch and distinct imprint by Ines.• Gold, silver or cover leaf adding• with dedication, Ines recreates the original textures and colors with acrylic paint • Popular in 2 sizes 60x60 cm and 80x80cm ...

1.450,00 kr 2.350,00 kr

In Love

These prints on canvas are designed especially for you who wish for an excellent quality reproduc...

These prints on canvas are designed especially for you who wish for an excellent quality reproduction of the original paintings by Ines Honfi.• Ines transforms a simple print on canvas into a unique creation bringing each canvas to shine and to be unique on its own. • Each print carries a singular touch and distinct imprint by Ines.• Gold, silver or cover leaf adding• with dedication, Ines recreates the original textures and colors with acrylic paint • Popular in 2 sizes 60x60 cm and 80x80cm ...

1.450,00 kr 3.250,00 kr

"Angels in Love"

"Angel in Love" Limited edition of prints on canvas. Inspired in the pure, intense love which bri...

"Angel in Love" Limited edition of prints on canvas. Inspired in the pure, intense love which brings a deep state of union and togetherness.   These prints on canvas are designed especially for you who wish for an excellent quality reproduction of the original paintings by Ines Honfi. • Ines transforms a simple print on canvas into a unique creation bringing each canvas to shine and to be unique on its own. • Each print carries a singular touch and distinct imprint by Ines.• Gold, silver or c...

1.450,00 kr 2.350,00 kr


These prints on canvas are designed especially for you who wish for an excellent quality reproduc...

These prints on canvas are designed especially for you who wish for an excellent quality reproduction of the original paintings by Ines Honfi.• Ines transforms a simple print on canvas into a unique creation bringing each canvas to shine and to be unique on its own. • Each print carries a singular touch and distinct imprint by Ines.• Gold, silver or cover leaf adding• with dedication, Ines recreates the original textures and colors with acrylic paint • Popular in 2 sizes 60x60 cm and 80x80cm ...

1.450,00 kr 3.250,00 kr

The embrace III

These prints on canvas are designed especially for you who wish for an excellent quality reproduc...

These prints on canvas are designed especially for you who wish for an excellent quality reproduction of the original paintings by Ines Honfi.• Ines transforms a simple print on canvas into a unique creation bringing each canvas to shine and to be unique on its own. • Each print carries a singular touch and distinct imprint by Ines.• Gold, silver or cover leaf adding• with dedication, Ines recreates the original textures and colors with acrylic paint • Popular in 2 sizes 60x60 cm and 80x80cm ...

1.450,00 kr 2.350,00 kr


These prints on canvas are designed especially for you who wish for an excellent quality reproduc...

These prints on canvas are designed especially for you who wish for an excellent quality reproduction of the original paintings by Ines Honfi.• Ines transforms a simple print on canvas into a unique creation bringing each canvas to shine and to be unique on its own. • Each print carries a singular touch and distinct imprint by Ines.• Gold, silver or cover leaf adding• with dedication, Ines recreates the original textures and colors with acrylic paint • Popular in 2 sizes 60x60 cm and 80x80cm ...

1.450,00 kr 3.750,00 kr

Spring In Love

These prints on canvas are designed especially for you who wish for an excellent quality reproduc...

These prints on canvas are designed especially for you who wish for an excellent quality reproduction of the original paintings by Ines Honfi.• Ines transforms a simple print on canvas into a unique creation bringing each canvas to shine and to be unique on its own. • Each print carries a singular touch and distinct imprint by Ines.• Gold, silver or cover leaf adding• with dedication, Ines recreates the original textures and colors with acrylic paint • Popular in 2 sizes 60x60 cm and 80x80cm ...

1.450,00 kr 2.350,00 kr

Astral Lovers

Astral Lovers The opposite colors in this painting, orange and blue, depict the polarity an...

Astral Lovers The opposite colors in this painting, orange and blue, depict the polarity and deep attraction between both lovers. They are flying in heaven in an ecstatic union, merging into each other's soul. The gold background symbolizes the infinite transcendence. The blue particles and voluptuous hair are the expressions of their expanded souls into the infinite vastness of the Universe. Ines uses over six months, 2000 hours of work and dedication on building layer by layer e...

75.000,00 kr 35.000,00 kr